Why doesn't my mod work?
SWAT3's modding system is quite complex, which means that you can achieve some pretty cool things. Guns that launch CS canisters, flashlights that look like lasers and characters with semi-transparent skins are all examples of the sort of effects you can get with a little creativity. Unfortunately, the downside of this complexity is that there are loads of ways your mod can go wrong. Add in the fact that Sierra's error messages aren't always as helpful as you'd want and the potential for frustration is high.
I've seen most of the problems that can happen with mods, and I'm sharing them here in the hope that my experiences can save you from tearing your hair out as much as I did.
The questions
Character mods
- Why doesn't a picture of my skin show up in Ops?
- Why doesn't a picture of my character show up in the debrief?
- Why can't I select my character in Ops?
Weapon mods
- Why doesn't the flashlight on my weapon work?
- Why does the game crash when I turn on my weapon's flashlight?
- Why doesn't my gun show up in Ops?
- Why does my gun shoot out sparks when I fire it?
The answers
Character mods
- Why doesn't a picture of my skin show up in Ops?

You must make a "DEF_UI" bitmap image whose name is based on your
character's modmpmodels.dat
identifier. If your
has a line like this:
swatdude 1 My new SWAT officer
then you must make a .bmp called swatdude_DEF_UI.bmp. The image MUST be 124 pixels wide by 198 pixels high.
Please note that if your character's name is too long, SWAT will fail to
load the character image!

You must make a "DEF_UI" bitmap image whose name is based on your
character's modmpmodels.dat
identifier. If your
has a line like this:
swatdude 1 My new SWAT officer
then you must make a .bmp called
swatdude_DEBRIEF_UI.bmp. The image
MUST be 48 by 48 pixels.
Please note that if your character's name is too long, SWAT will fail to load the debrief image!
Your character must appear in both modmpmodels.dat
to be usable in the game. A minimal
file would be:
swatdude 1 My new SWAT officer
and a minimal modskins.dat
would be:
swatdude SWT_DUDE 0 sneaker 0
Of course, the game will crash if you don't include SWT_DUDE.GSM in your mod.
The second column in modmpmodels.dat
determines whether the
character can be used as a SWAT officer. If it is set to 0, the character will
only be available in deathmatch or team deathmatch, and only on the tangos'
side in the latter case.
Weapon mods
- Why doesn't the flashlight on my weapon work?
- Why does the game crash when I turn on my weapon's flashlight?
- Why doesn't my gun show up in Ops?
You need to tell the game about the weapon's flashlight by editing
. The field three from the end determines whether
the flashlight works or not. It should be set to 1 for weapons with
You need to assign a material called FLASHLIGHT to one of the triangles in the weapon mesh. If you're creating the weapon from scratch using 3D Studio MAX, create a sub-material called FLASHLIGHT, create a single polygon just in front of the "light" and set its material ID to match the new sub-material. Don't forget to attach the new polygon to the mesh!
For step-by-step instructions on assigning materials to polygons, see the 3D Studio MAX weapons tutorial.
If you're reskinning an existing weapon, or want to convert a weapon that
doesn't have a flashlight, you can use
gsmhacking to create a fake flashlight
material, using the --add-flashlight
command. Read the gsmhacking
documentation for more details.
Weapons will not be available for selection if the game cannot find the
ammo they are supposed to use. Imagine you have the following
Guns { newgun 36 1 0.075 [...] (556,10,30) (556,10,30) [...] }
Here we've set the ammo to 556, the 5.56mm NATO round.
This is of course the exact same round as the .223 so you could create entries
in modammodefs.dat
which simply duplicated the
223 ammo type. However, if your ammodefs file is missing or
broken, SWAT won't know about the ammo and will refuse to parse your weapon.
Of course you don't need to add a modammodefs.dat
entry to use
existing ammo. (223,10,30) would work fine.
One gotcha with modguns.dat
is that once the game finds a
broken entry it will stop parsing the file, which means
that if you have four guns listed but the first one is broken - because the
ammo is undefined, for example - then the other three weapons
will not show up either, even if their entries are fine!
The 13th field of modguns.dat
, class determines
whether the weapon is a secondary (class=0) or primary (class=1 or class=2).
Make sure you look for your gun in the right place!
swatguysel is the last but one field in modguns.dat
If it is 0, only tangos can use the weapon.
All guns listed in modguns.dat
need corresponding entries in
. First you must make a gunsmoke_
entry. If your weapon uses a new ammo type (defined by you in
) you will need a shell_ entry as
The gunsmoke_ effect describes the sprite that represents smoke coming from
the barrel of your gun as it is fired. The effect name must match the name of
the gun. So if your gun is called newgun then you
must make a modeffects.dat
entry called
gunsmoke_newgun. For example:
gunsmoke_newgun SpriteExp (sprite=gunsmoke_lg,count=3,minrange=3,maxrange=6,minlife=0.5,maxlife=2.0,factor=0.5,drift=0 2 0,spread=45)
The shell_ effect describes the model representing the empty casings that
are ejected from the side of the gun when it is fired. You need one effect
for each new ammo type you create - with matching names. If your gun uses
the new 556 ammo, you will need a modeffects.dat
entry like this:
shell_556 ShellCasing (skin=223_brass,Elasticity=0.4,BoundRadius=1.0,LifeTime=60,BounceSound=shell_bounce*)
If you include both a new gun and new ammunition in your mod, you must
include both types of effects in modeffects.dat
Effects { gunsmoke_newgun SpriteExp (sprite=gunsmoke_lg,count=3,minrange=3,maxrange=6,minlife=0.5,maxlife=2.0,factor=0.5,drift=0 2 0,spread=45) shell_556 ShellCasing (skin=9mm_brass,Elasticity=0.4,BoundRadius=1.0,LifeTime=60,BounceSound=shell_bounce*) }
If these effects are missing, SWAT will substitute the default effect, which is the infamous sparks sprite!
A big, bad and ugly gotcha with
is that you can't put any comments before the
first Effects line. Quite why this is, I don't know. You can
put comments anywhere in other files but the effects file is picky. It's fine
to put comments after the opening brace but not before.
This means that your perfectly correct modeffects.dat
file may
in fact not work in the game even though there is nothing syntactically wrong
with it! Answers on a postcard.
For more details on some of the topics mentioned above, check out my guides. More relevant ones include:
- gsmhacking: command line tool for editing GSM model files.
- Uniform tutorial: a beginner's guide to making skin mods.
- 3D Studio MAX weapon modding: Step-by-step beginners' guide to exporting a weapon for SWAT3.