furrycat's Milkshape weapon modding tutorial

Importing the model with gsmhacking

This information is out of date and only retained for completeness. You should use GSkinViewer to convert your model. Just load it into the viewer and save it as GSM.

This is the fun part. The moment you've been waiting for. It's time to take the Milkshape file and make it into a GSkinMesh.

You'll need gsmhacking version 3.1.37 or later in order to import a Milkshape file and write out a GSM.

The options you need are --import-milkshape (which can be abbreviated to -I) to import Milkshape data into gsmhacking, and --outfile (or -o) to specify the GSM file to create. gsmhacking's commandline options are case-sensitive but you already knew that because you studied the documentation before reading this far.

Running gsmhacking

Warnings and errors

gsmhacking may spit out various warnings or error messages. Here's what they mean.

You may encounter other errors, complaints or bizarre behaviour if you attempt to convert a character model or animation. Currently you can only use gsmhacking to convert weapons.

Known issues

The major issue at the moment is that some texture maps don't look "right" in certain cases. If I knew what the cases were I'd have fixed this by now :(

As hinted above, it appears that incorrect maps appear when bogus vertices are found. You should ensure that you weld all your vertices prior to exporting the weapon. Although this may not be the problem. I told you this was a work in progress...

Resolved bugs

Thanks to Emerica, I realised that gsmhacking was flipping normals when converting the model. This bug was fixed in gsmhacking 3.1.37.


As of version 1.1, GSkinViewer can load MS3D files and save GSMs.

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| intro | part 1: Basic weapon concepts | part 2: Weapon orientation | part 3: Materials | part 4: Bones | part 5: Importing the model with gsmhacking |